Running injury recovery used to be focused on RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. RICE has been shown to actually slow recovery from injury and healing. After a running injury there is a natural and beneficial inflammatory process around the injured tissues that we want to allow to happen. Inflammation around the injured area creates a natural brace that limits movement (think sprained ankle) to allow injured tissues to heal. The inflammatory fluid also contains many substances that help with the pain and healing including neutrophils, macrophages, and satellite cells. If we ice, compress, or elevate the injured area we are decreasing this natural and helpful inflammation which will slow healing.
Myth 1: Injuries are the result of bad luck.
Truth: Scientifically there is no such thing as bad luck, thus that can't be the cause of running injuries. All running injuries are caused by something concrete and with enough investigation the underlying cause can be found and fixed or eliminated, which will help that injury heal faster and more completely and help prevent future running injuries. |
Matt'sTrail and ultra running thoughts, advice, and research. Archives
January 2024